Swimming Pool Products
Ready to connect complete fountain unit, consisting of pump, float body, and nozzle.
Clearly structured fountain height and diameter of 3 m each.
Minimum water level with clear water: 1 m; with dirty pond base: 1.5 m.
Pentair Max-E-Pro Pumps
P6 & 5P6R Series(1,2,3)HP
The proprietary hydraulic isolator smooths the priming water at start-up and also smooths the flow inside the volute, raising the efficiency even higher.
Pentair Rainbow Chlorinator
Easy, Efficient way to sanitize your pool or spa
Completely enclosed - No escaping fumes
No special venting required
50PSI maximum operating pressure
Pentair Floating Chemical Dispenser
330 Floating chemical dispenser
Linear polyethylene construction and foam filled for added buoyancy
It has twist lock cap and adjustable control ring
Holds six 3-inch or 3 pounds of 1-inch tablets
TropiClear Metal Out
Metal Out is a concentrated sequestering agent that controls heavy metals in pool and spa water. Metal Out is used to remedy stains, scale, discoloration and cloudy water.
TropiClear 3" Tabs
TropiClear 3" Tabs are easy to use in floating or automatic dispensers. Made with built-in stabilizers to protect from loss due to the sun's powerful rays, 3" Tabs have 90% available chlorine.
TropiClear Granular Dichlor
Granular Dichlor stabilizes and concentrates dichlor granules for shocking and controlling algae problems, contains 56% available chlorine and is pH neutral.
Lo-Chlor Pool Algicide
Lo-Chlor's long lasting algaecide is safe for all surfaces and guaranteed not to stain. Pool Algicide lasts 3 months and kills blue-green, black and mustard algae.
Robarb Super Blue Water Polisher
Clears cloudy water fast & prevents future hazy appearance
Effective at varying temperature levels & range of chemical levels
Use with all filter types - will not clog filters!
Reduces sanitizer demand by removing dirt particles
Pentair 2 in 1 Chlorine Test Kit
1/2 oz. OTD and pre-blended pH, CI range 0.3–3.0, blue hinged case
Vacuum Hose
High-quality spiral wound construction
Swivel cuff for ease of use
For in-ground pools
Ideal for cleaning